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We have some recent updates to announce:Curio 13.2 was just released with loads of new enhancements and fixes, including updates to support the upcoming release of Apple's macOS Catalina (10.15). This is on top of the numerous Curio 13.1 tweaks and fixes which came out earlier this summer. With this update, Curio 13 can run on macOS High Sierra (10.13) through macOS Catalina (10.15).
Curiotabla Periodica
Curio 12.2.3 was also rolled out with fixes to accommodate changes Apple made to Catalina's interface framework. It is also notarized, as required by Catalina, although Curio 13 is notarized andCuriota App
compiled with hardened runtime entitlements which is even more secure. With this update, Curio 12 can run on macOS Sierra (10.12) through macOS Catalina (10.15).Curiota App Download
In both Curio 13 and Curio 12, the daily update check should find the new releases, although you can also choose the Curio > Check for Updates menu item to grab the update right now. Note that anyone running older versions of Curio will need to purchase a discounted Curio upgrade if they intend to upgrade to macOS Catalina.