Install Windows On Mac Using Virtualbox

Download Windows 10 from the OnTheHub University of Arizona web store. Download and install VirtualBox. The VirtualBox software that allows for the creation of a virtual machine (VM) on a mac. Create a new Windows 10 VM using VirtualBox. Install Office 365 on the Windows 10 VM. Office 365 includes applications like Access, Excel and Word. Check this AWESOME guide to running windows on mac os for free using Virtualbox. Install Windows. Go and get some coffee, because Windows 7 takes a while to install. Although on the bright. First, open VirtualBox and select the newly created install macOS Big Sur virtual machine on the left, then click the ‘Start’ button at the top. Start macOS Big Sur in VirtualBox image 3-b. We will be prompted to ‘Select start-up disk,’ click on the folder icon to the right.

Follow the displayed instructions and soon the Windows OS will be installed. Basically, the interface of VirtualBox on Mac OS is similar to the Windows design, the difference is based on Aqua graphical theme only, which is applicable to all the Mac OS program tools. Try setting up VirtualBox on Mac OS and you won’t be frustrated, that’s for.


  • SIP disabled. I don't have a native GPU so no boot screen, but I just hold CMD+R 10s after chime sound and wait until I see the recovery screen.
  • A drive where windows will be written (avoid partitioning to keep things clean). Mine is plugged into the optical drive bay.
  • Bootchamp 1.7. Bootchamp is discontinued but works fine for me. Let me know if you have something better.
  • A Windows 10 iso img. I got a 10 pro edition but the home should be fine too

1 Prepare VM

1-1. Create a new VM for windows (8Gb RAM is enough). Do not add a storage to the vm yet. We will link the drive directly.

Installing Virtualbox On Mac

1-2. Quit virtualbox

Mac os on virtualbox windows

2 Prepare disk

2-1. Erase your disk in disk util (i set mine in exFat but you will reset it during the windows installation)

2-2. Find the disk number. Start a terminal and type

Install windows 10 on mac using virtualbox

Locate your disk and note its number. Mine was disk0.

Using Virtualbox On Mac To Install Windows

During the next steps ALWAYS replace disk0 with your disk. Be extra careful here not to use an incorrect drive as it will be wiped out.

2-3 Change owner and permission. Replace user with your mac user and disk0 with your disk.

2-4 Unmount your disk in diskutil. This is important for concurrency issues between macOS system and virtualbox.

3 Virtualbox

3-1. Create the raw vm disk linked to your physical disk. (replace disk0 with your disk)

I set my vmdk next to the vm files but feel free to put yours anywhere you want.

3-2 Launch virtualbox. Attach the new created raw disk. Attach also the iso to the optical drive


4 Windows vm installation

4-1 Start the vm and install Windows. When partioning, I prefer to remove all exisiting partitions and create only one

The next steps must be run inside the vm.

4-2 Download brigadier.exe.

4-3 Open a command prompt in admin mode. Cd to brigadier folder and run

Let it do its magic (installing bootcamp drivers).

4-4 Shutdown the VM and quit virtualbox


5 Rebooting to windows

5-1 Launch Bootchamp, click on the icon in the menu bar and click on Restart into windows.

5-2 When you are in Windows, go to update center and make the updates (like the drivers for your GPU).

5-3 You will need to reboot during the update installation. The mac will reboot to macOS, and then you can reboot to windows with bootchamp to finish the updates

Can't Install Virtualbox On Mac

Enjoy !

I've download and run the installer for v5.2.2 of VirtualBox for Windows. I get all the way through the setup pages of the wizard, accepting the warning about the network interface being restarted and click the Install button. The progress bar screen appears and then nothing else happens. The install UI appears interactive but the cancel button doesn't actually work. I have to kill the msiexec.exe process to get the installer to close.

Install Windows 10 On Mac Using Virtualbox

I've run it as both myself and Administrator. I've attached the log file.
Any ideas?