Visual Studio Sort Lines

  1. Visual Studio 2019 Sort Lines
  2. Visual Studio 2017 Sort Lines
  3. Vscode Sort Lines
  4. Visual Studio Sort Lines
  5. Visual Studio Sort Lines Pdf

How to write a C program to draw a line in visual studio 2019? Sort by Oldest Oldest; Sort by Votes Votes. The old way in C was to use Turbo C and the graphics.h library that supported drawing.For Visual Studio, there is Win32, C, and GDI as this youtube video points out. Sort selected text from Visual Studio context menu. I have some lines of code I wish to sort alphabetically, nothing clever. I wish to just select the lines, and then sort them. (I could copy them into Excel then sort and copy them back, but there must be a better way) This is the bit of code I am trying to time, in real life it is a lot longer. SortingColumnOverrides: new Dictionary.

Code Cleaning

Code cleanup can run automatically on save,
or on demand. It can run on an individual file,
all open files, any selection in the solution
explorer, or the entire solution.

Actions taken on cleanup

  1. Remove unused using statements
  2. Sort using statements
  3. Add unspecified access modifiers
  4. Remove empty regions
  5. Add blank line padding
  6. Remove blank lines next to braces
  7. Run Visual Studio formatting
  8. Remove consecutive blank lines
  9. Remove end of line whitespace
  10. Update endregion tags

Cleaning after

Code Digging

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Quickly switch between different sorting methods to get a better overview.

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Digging Search

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Including multi-selection capabilities.

Visual Studio 2019 Sort Lines

Digging Multi-Select

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Code Reorganizing

Reorganize the layout of members in a C# file to follow Microsoft’s StyleCop convention, or your own preferences.

Reorganizing before

Visual Studio 2017 Sort Lines

Automatically generate regions to match.

Regions Before

Comment Formatting

Format comments to wrap at a specified column and arrange tags on separate lines.

Formatting before


Join two adjacent lines, or a highlighted section of code onto a single line.

Joining before


Sort a highlighted section of code alphabetically.

Sorting Before


Vscode Sort Lines

Find the current file in the solution explorer window.

Finding before


Recursively collapse nodes or the entire tree in the solution explorer window.

Collapsing before


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or in the Windows taskbar, both with a green/red status indication.



Switch between related files, such as cpp and header files or xaml and code-behind.

Switching before



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Configuration General

Configuration Cleaning Insert


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Toggling after

and More!

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Remove Current Region

Close read-only files.

Close All Read-Only before


Visual Studio Sort Lines

A sorting operation orders the elements of a sequence based on one or more attributes. The first sort criterion performs a primary sort on the elements. By specifying a second sort criterion, you can sort the elements within each primary sort group.

The following illustration shows the results of an alphabetical sort operation on a sequence of characters.

The standard query operator methods that sort data are listed in the following section.


Method NameDescriptionVisual Basic Query Expression SyntaxMore Information
OrderBySorts values in ascending order.Order ByEnumerable.OrderBy
OrderByDescendingSorts values in descending order.Order By … DescendingEnumerable.OrderByDescending
ThenByPerforms a secondary sort in ascending order.Order By …, …Enumerable.ThenBy
ThenByDescendingPerforms a secondary sort in descending order.Order By …, … DescendingEnumerable.ThenByDescending
ReverseReverses the order of the elements in a collection.Not applicable.Enumerable.Reverse

Query Expression Syntax Examples

Primary Sort Examples

Primary Ascending Sort

Visual Studio Sort Lines Pdf

The following example demonstrates how to use the Order By clause in a LINQ query to sort the strings in an array by string length, in ascending order.

Primary Descending Sort

The next example demonstrates how to use the Order By Descending clause in a LINQ query to sort the strings by their first letter, in descending order.

Secondary Sort Examples

Secondary Ascending Sort

The following example demonstrates how to use the Order By clause in a LINQ query to perform a primary and secondary sort of the strings in an array. The strings are sorted primarily by length and secondarily by the first letter of the string, both in ascending order.

Secondary Descending Sort

The next example demonstrates how to use the Order By Descending clause in a LINQ query to perform a primary sort, in ascending order, and a secondary sort, in descending order. The strings are sorted primarily by length and secondarily by the first letter of the string.

See also