
The ProjectHuddle plugin is a design collaboration and feedback tool powered By WordPress.

ProjectHuddle uses JSON Web Token (JWT) to securely authenticate a valid user requesting access to ProjectHuddle REST API resources. JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. ProjectHuddle is a fraction of the cost of other hosted collaboration software. There’s also no obligation to keep paying to use it, which means you’re not locking yourself into a service you can’t control.

ProjectHuddle contains a multitude of ways to customize functionality, styling, html output and even ways to extend your own functionality. ProjectHuddle contains php and javascript hooks and a template extension system with the intent to ensure you not modify the plugin directly. Modifying the plugin files will result in a complete loss of.

Until today, web design agencies had a difficult time communicating with business owners who used their services.

Collecting feedback and critics was a very difficult and long process. Both the designer and the customer sides needed to go back and forth for hours using emails or chat channels to finally agreeing on design and often it was ended up in the frustration of the customer side.

To ease the process, plugins like Project Huddle and WPFeedback were created and changed the communication game between the agency side and the customer side.

In this article, we will walk through and learn how to set up and use the ProjectHuddle WordPress plugin.

What is ProjectHuddle

The Project Huddle plugin will help you send and collect feedback and comments to and from the customers for whom you are building the websites.

When using the Project Huddle platform, your customers will be able to leave feedback and comments visually on any website page or any element on the page.

After the customer leaves a comment, you as the website developer will be able to see it from your dashboard and fix the problem.

How to Use the ProjectHuddle Plugin

The PH plugin has two components: the agency dashboard plugin and the customer feedback plugin.

You guessed it right, the agency dashboard plugin needs to be installed on the agency website (or the web developer) side, and the ProjectHuddle Client Side plugin should be installed on the client-side website.

After both plugins (the agency plugin and the client-side) are installed and connected, the client can start to leave feedback and comments on his site and the web developer will pick them up on his side.

Then, the web developer can fix the issues and mark the problems as fixed or continue communicating with the client regarding the problem.

Connecting ProjectHuddle between the agency and the client

To connect between the agency side and the client/customer side, both plugins need to be installed.

Projecthuddle Llc

The ProjectHuddle plugin needs to be installed on the agency side and the ProjectHuddle Client Side plugin must be installed on the client’s WordPress website.

On the agency WordPress plugin side, navigate to ProjectHuddle -> Websites -> Add Website.

Give the new website a name by entering your client’s website URL.

After entering the client URL, click on WordPress and enter your login credentials for the client-side (the credentials you’re using to log in to his WordPress dashboard) and click Connect.

A new window will open and ask you to log in to your client-side where you can install the ProjectHuddle Client Side plugin on the client side WordPress website.

After installing and activating the plugin on the client side, both sides (the agency and the client side) should be connected.

If for some reason the sides were unable to connect, we should connect them manually.

To connect both sides manually click on the Try Manually Connecting link.


A Javascript code will be presented to you and you’ll need to paste that code on the client side.

From the client side WordPress dashboard, make sure the ProjectHuddle Client Side plugin is active and then navigate to Settings -> Feedback and into the Connection tab.

Paste the code inside the Manual Connection Details box and click on Save Changes.

After pasting the code, go back to your agency WordPress website side and click on the I’ve pasted the code link.

After doing both steps, your client website is now connected to your feedback dashboard and you can start collecting feedback from your client.

Leave feedback as a client

When the Project-Huddle plugin is activated on the client side, a feedback bar will appear at the bottom of the screen.

To leave feedback as a client, navigate to the page that contains the elements or the designs that you would like to comment on and click on Comment.

Then, your mouse cursor will change to a plus (+) shape and you will be able to click anywhere on the screen to leave a comment.

The comment box will open up. Enter your feedback text and click on Add Comment.

The Project Huddle comment box alows you to add subscribers or assign other admins or users who are kept informed about the resolving progress.

View and reply to the feedback from the developer side

You, as an agency owner or a web developer/designer, can view all the feedback and comments left by your clients and respond to them.

From the developer WordPress dashboard, navigate to ProjectHuddle -> Overview screen and there you’ll see all the feedback left from all your clients’ websites.

Click on the comment that you would like to reply and the comment detail sidebar will open on the right.

Click on the Details tab of the comment to get relevant information such as a screenshot of the element, location, browser used, etc.

When you ready to reply and communicate back with your client, click back on the Replies tab, enter your text, and click on Add Comment.

After you did so, your client will be able to view your response on his end just where he/she left the initial feedback.

When the problem or the issue got fixed, the developer or the client can change the feedback status to Resolved and move on to the next comment.

ProjectHuddle Extensions

The ProjectHuddle plugin has two add-ons that can be added to the core plugin to extend its functionality.

  • PDF mockups add-on: Upload and get live feedback on PDF mockup documents!
  • File uploads add-on: The file uploads add-on adds an upload icon to comment boxes, which allows the user to upload a file with their comment.

Both add-ons can be purchased with a deep discount using the links above.

ProjectHuddle Alternative

ProjectHuddle is a great WordPress feedback plugin but it’s not the only one.

Although its the most common and used plugin, there is another great option that I would like to recommend you to try.

The other WordPress feedback plugin is called wpfeedback and it has similar pros and features.

Remember that when deciding on which feedback plugin to use with WordPress, keep in mind that your client is not a developer and does not see the things the same way you do.

Make sure that the plugin you chose is simple and easy to work with from your client side.


WordPress feedback plugins are great a way to maintain communication between the agency and the clients.


Though once this communication was long and complicated, full of messy emails, this is no longer the case.

Projecthuddle Discount Code

ProjectHuddle and other commenting plugins make work easier by leaving short and straight-to-the-point comments on the various elements on the page, which helps speed up the designing process.

Make sure to watch the video at the top of the page and leave us a comment down below if you have any questions.

Projecthuddle Black Friday


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