Markup Syntax

Understanding Markup Syntax. This section describes syntax for adding links to Websheet pages, page sections, external URLs, data grids, or for including SQL or SQLVALUE syntax. Tip: A Help button displays in the upper right corner of each Websheet page. The Help page, Markup Syntax, lists all the different syntax options described in this section. SourceForge uses markdown syntax everywhere to allow you to create rich text markup, and extends markdown in several ways to allow for quick linking to other artifacts in your project. Markdown was created to be easy to read, easy to write, and still readable in plain text format. The syntax is based on the way email programs usually do quotations. You don't need to hard-wrap the paragraphs in your blockquotes, but it looks much nicer if you do. Depends how lazy you feel. You can also select text and press CTRL+Q to toggle a blockquote. Jun 06, 2016 In wiki markup, a paragraph is a continuous line of text ending in two carriage returns. This is equivalent to a continuous line of text followed by a blank line. When rendered into HTML, the result is a line of text wrapped in a set of tags.

Wiki Markup Syntax

Advanced data grid query rules include:

Markup Syntax

Markdown syntax highlighting languages

Markup Syntax Code

  • The query must reference the data grid only once to include an edit or add row link (that is, you cannot join the data grid to itself within the query).

  • The first column must be the primary key of the data grid to include an edit row link (that is, the column that uniquely identifies the row of data). If the 'edit_row' option is included and the query has a single select statement, the primary key column is included automatically. If the query contains multiple select statements, you can use the 'APXWS_DATA_GRID_PK' substitution (always enclosed with double quotation marks) as the first column in the SELECT statement to include the primary key to include an edit row link.

  • Report column names are the column name from the data grid, but can be modified using standard SQL column aliasing syntax. How to carry more weight in skyrim. For example, the following displays the data from the Minimum Number column but the heading displays as Min:

  • If a column name is longer than 30 characters, you only include the first 30 characters as the name. For example, use:

    Instead of:

  • To display the query that is executed, include the 'show_sql' option. By including this option, the query displays above the included report. Although this is a good approach for debugging, Oracle does not recommend 'show_sql' for a production application.