Busycal Zoom Integration

In this Zoom tutorial for beginners, we look at how to use Zoom and get started with the Zoom video conference calling system. You can use Zoom for conferenc. Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms.


Setting up CalDAV sync in Zoho Calendar. CalDAV sync is a two-way sync feature between your Zoho Calendar and calendar apps that support CalDAV format, which means you can sync your Zoho Calendar on your iPhone's calendar app or your MacBook's calendar or with Thunderbird calendar.

This article describes how to enable the admin consent workflow feature, which gives end users a way to request access to applications that require admin consent.

Without an admin consent workflow, a user in a tenant where user consent is disabled will be blocked when they try to access any app that requires permissions to access organizational data. The user sees a generic error message that says they're unauthorized to access the app and they should ask their admin for help. But often, the user doesn't know who to contact, so they either give up or create a new local account in the application. Even when an admin is notified, there isn't always a streamlined process to help the admin grant access and notify their users.

The admin consent workflow gives admins a secure way to grant access to applications that require admin approval. When a user tries to access an application but is unable to provide consent, they can send a request for admin approval. The request is sent via email to admins who have been designated as reviewers. A reviewer takes action on the request, and the user is notified of the action.

To approve requests, a reviewer must be a global administrator, cloud application administrator, or application administrator. The reviewer must already have one of these admin roles assigned; simply designating them as a reviewer doesn't elevate their privileges.

Enable the admin consent workflow

To enable the admin consent workflow and choose reviewers:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as a global administrator.

  2. Click All services at the top of the left-hand navigation menu. The Azure Active Directory Extension opens.

  3. In the filter search box, type 'Azure Active Directory' and select the Azure Active Directory item.

  4. From the navigation menu, click Enterprise applications.

  5. Under Manage, select User settings.

  6. Under Admin consent requests, set Users can request admin consent to apps they are unable to consent to to Yes.

  7. Configure the following settings:

    • Select users to review admin consent requests. Select reviewers for this workflow from a set of users that have the global administrator, cloud application administrator, and application administrator roles.
    • Selected users will receive email notifications for requests. Enable or disable email notifications to the reviewers when a request is made.
    • Selected users will receive request expiration reminders. Enable or disable reminder email notifications to the reviewers when a request is about to expire.
    • Consent request expires after (days). Specify how long requests stay valid.
  8. Select Save. It can take up to an hour for the feature to become enabled.


You can add or remove reviewers for this workflow by modifying the Select admin consent requests reviewers list. Note that a current limitation of this feature is that reviewers can retain the ability to review requests that were made while they were designated as a reviewer.

How users request admin consent

After the admin consent workflow is enabled, users can request admin approval for an application they're unauthorized to consent to. The following steps describe user's experience when requesting approval.

  1. The user attempts to sign in to the application.

  2. The Approval required message appears. The user types a justification for needing access to the app, and then selects Request approval.

  3. A Request sent message confirms that the request was submitted to the admin. If the user sends several requests, only the first request is submitted to the admin.

  4. The user receives an email notification when their request is approved, denied, or blocked.

Review and take action on admin consent requests

To review the admin consent requests and take action:

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal as one of the registered reviewers of the admin consent workflow.

  2. Select All services at the top of the left-hand navigation menu. The Azure Active Directory Extension opens.

  3. In the filter search box, type 'Azure Active Directory' and select the Azure Active Directory item.

  4. From the navigation menu, click Enterprise applications.

  5. Under Activity, select Admin consent requests.


    Reviewers will only see admin requests that were created after they were designated as a reviewer.

  6. Select the application that is being requested.

  7. Review details about the request:

    • To see who is requesting access and why, select the Requested by tab.
    • To see what permissions are being requested by the application, select Review permissions and consent.
  8. Evaluate the request and take the appropriate action:

    • Approve the request. To approve a request, grant admin consent to the application. Once a request is approved, all requestors are notified that they have been granted access.
    • Deny the request. To deny a request, you must provide a justification that will be provided to all requestors. Once a request is denied, all requestors are notified that they have been denied access to the application. Denying a request won't prevent users from requesting admin consent to the app again in the future.
    • Block the request. To block a request, you must provide a justification that will be provided to all requestors. Once a request is blocked, all requestors are notified they've been denied access to the application. Blocking a request creates a service principal object for the application in your tenant in a disabled state. Users won't be able to request admin consent to the application in the future.

Email notifications

If configured, all reviewers will receive email notifications when:

  • A new request has been created
  • A request has expired
  • A request is nearing the expiration date

Requestors will receive email notifications when:

  • They submit a new request for access
  • Their request has expired
  • Their request has been denied or blocked
  • Their request has been approved

Audit logs

The table below outlines the scenarios and audit values available for the admin consent workflow.

ScenarioAudit ServiceAudit CategoryAudit ActivityAudit ActorAudit log limitations
Admin enabling the consent request workflowAccess ReviewsUserManagementCreate governance policy templateApp contextCurrently you cannot find the user context
Admin disabling the consent request workflowAccess ReviewsUserManagementDelete governance policy templateApp contextCurrently you cannot find the user context
Admin updating the consent workflow configurationsAccess ReviewsUserManagementUpdate governance policy templateApp contextCurrently you cannot find the user context
End user creating an admin consent request for an appAccess ReviewsPolicyCreate requestApp contextCurrently you cannot find the user context
Reviewers approving an admin consent requestAccess ReviewsUserManagementApprove all requests in business flowApp contextCurrently you cannot find the user context or the app ID that was granted admin consent.
Reviewers denying an admin consent requestAccess ReviewsUserManagementApprove all requests in business flowApp contextCurrently you cannot find the user context of the actor that denied an admin consent request


I turned on this workflow, but when testing out the functionality, why can’t I see the new “Approval required” prompt allowing me to request access?

After turning on the feature, it may take up to 60 minutes for end users to see the update. You can verify that the configuration has properly taken effect by viewing the EnableAdminConsentRequests value in the https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/settings API.

Busycal Zoom Integration Center

As a reviewer, why can’t I see all pending requests?

Reviewers can only see admin requests that were created after they were designated as a reviewer. So if you were recently added as a reviewer, you won't see any requests that were created before your assignment.

Busycal Zoom Integration Guide

As a reviewer, why do I see multiple requests for the same application?

If an application developer has configured their app to use static and dynamic consent to request access to their end user’s data, you'll see two admin consent requests. One request represents the static permissions, and the other represents the dynamic permissions.

As a requestor, can I check the status of my request?

No, for now requestors are only able to get updates via email notifications.

Busycal Zoom Integration Tool

As a reviewer, is it possible to approve the application, but not for everyone?

If you're concerned about granting admin consent and allowing all users in the tenant to use the application, we recommend that you deny the request. Then manually grant admin consent by restricting access to the application by requiring user assignment, and assigning users or groups to the application. For more information, see Methods for assigning users and groups.

Next steps

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For more information on consenting to applications, see Azure Active Directory consent framework.