

'Apps', as in applications on Facebook usually disguised as quizzes, games or surveys that the send you to other pages or force you to allow it access to your info to get the answer to a quiz.

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I clicked on a that IQ quiz on my Facebook page and to get the answer, it wanted access..I hate that apptrap shit!
Man I voted for Obama on a quiz on FB and got sent to a Ronald Regan page.Ronald Reagan.WTF!
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Apptrap Download

Paint brush printable pictures. AppTrap is a handy and straightforward utility that lets you to rapidly uninstall the associated junk files and applications via simple drag and drop action. You can reduce the Mac OS X uninstallation process to dropping and dragging the apps to the trash. There is a new panel that you can add it to your system preferences window, the next step is to activate the service and open the AppTrap window. This program gives you the possibility to make sure the apps completely removed from your PC at all times. The user can scan the disk for files affiliated with the utility and send an app to the trash each time with the extremely simple functions of this tool. Additionally, it is possible to rapidly delete the files and each detected file comes with a check box. AppTrap is an unobtrusive installer uninstaller for Mac that you can manage the service status with the preferences pane and it comes with a simple prompt window.